Exp Eye Res
1988 Oct 01;474:609-20.
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Excitatory amino acids and rod photoreceptor disc shedding: analysis using specific agonists.
L-Glutamate and L-aspartate stimulate photoreceptor disc shedding. In order to evaluate the possible involvement of a receptor, we examined the effects of specific excitatory amino acid agonists on rod photoreceptor disc shedding and neural retinal toxicity. Using eyecups from both Xenopus laevis and Rana pipiens, we found that kainate, quisqualate, and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) were all neurotoxic, but that kainate caused a more extensive inner retinal lesion. Kainate also caused disc shedding at concentrations as low as 10 microM; dihydrokainate, a structural analogue, was at least 100-fold less potent. In contrast, quisqualate induced disc shedding only at concentrations above 5.0 mM, and NMDA had no effect on disc shedding at any concentration examined. Our results suggest that excitatory amino acids act via a receptor of the kainate type to effect disc shedding. The mechanism in the retina or photoreceptor-pigment epithelial complex by which an excitatory amino acid receptor system influences disc shedding remains to be identified.
PubMed ID: 3053226
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