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Cell 1984 Aug 01;381:55-64.
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Lack of specific sequence requirement for DNA replication in Xenopus eggs compared with high sequence specificity in yeast.

Méchali M , Kearsey S .

We examined the controversial question concerning DNA sequences required for replication in Xenopus eggs. First we used yeast to isolate ARS elements from the Xenopus genome. They show a striking sequence homology with the yeast ARS consensus sequence. The cloning vector and the ARS-containing plasmids replicate equally after injection into Xenopus eggs. Second, we compared a wide range of DNA templates from procaryotes and eucaryotes. All DNA molecules tested replicate as monomeric molecules, and the efficiency is proportional to their size for templates between 4 and 12 kb. Third, we re-examined two reports of replication origins from the Xenopus genome. In both cases, the vector and the recombinant molecules replicate equally under all conditions tested. The apparent lack of sequence specificity for replication in Xenopus eggs does not prevent the injected molecule from being under cellular temporal control of replication. These results are compared with those from yeast.

PubMed ID: 6380762
Article link: Cell