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FEBS Lett 1984 Mar 12;1681:84-8.
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Xenopus oocytes can synthesise but do not secrete the Z variant of human alpha 1-antitrypsin.

Foreman RC , Judah JD , Colman A .

Human liver mRNA was prepared from a patient homozygous for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (PiZZ) and from a normal subject (PiMM). Both liver RNAs were microinjected into Xenopus oocytes and alpha 1-antitrypsin identified by immunoprecipitation. The normal M variant of alpha 1-antitrypsin is synthesised and secreted by Xenopus oocytes, the abnormal Z protein is not secreted and an intracellular form accumulates in the oocytes. In the presence of tunicamycin an unglycosylated form of M alpha 1-antitrypsin appears in the incubation medium but no corresponding unglycosylated version of the Z protein is secreted.

PubMed ID: 6200362
Article link: FEBS Lett