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Science 1981 Jan 23;2114480:396-8.
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Mouse oocytes transcribe injected Xenopus 5S RNA gene.

Brinster RL , Chen HY , Trumbauer ME .

Transcripts produced after injection of the Xenopus 5S RNA gene into oocyte germinal vesicles of mice migrate electrophoretically with the 5S RNA marker, an indication that the gene is transcribed and processed with considerable accuracy. Approximately two 5S RNA molecules are transcribed per gene per hour. This system may be useful in studying DNA processing and gene regulation by the mammalian ovum and might be modified to allow permanent incorporation of specific genes into mice.

PubMed ID: 7194505
PMC ID: PMC4879879
Article link: Science
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Asselbergs, Messenger RNA competition in living Xenopus oocytes. 1979, Pubmed, Xenbase