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Cell 1989 Apr 07;571:145-55.
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Formation of gap junctions by expression of connexins in Xenopus oocyte pairs.

Swenson KI , Jordan JR , Beyer EC , Paul DL .

RNAs coding for connexins 32, 43, and the putative lens gap junction protein MP26 were tested for their ability to induce cell-cell coupling in Xenopus oocyte pairs. Large, voltage-insensitive conductances developed when connexin32 and 43 RNA-injected oocytes were paired both with themselves and with each other. Oocyte pairs injected with water manifested small conductances, which were symmetrically voltage-dependent. MP26 RNA-injected pairs displayed no conductances above control values. Unexpectedly, connexin43/water oocyte pairs developed high, asymmetrically voltage-dependent conductances, a property not displayed by the connexin32/water pairs. In single oocytes, these proteins remained intracellular until pairing, at which time the connexins, but not MP26, concentrated at the appositional areas.

PubMed ID: 2467743
Article link: Cell
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: gja1 gjb1