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Cell Biol Int 2007 Jul 01;317:716-23. doi: 10.1016/j.cellbi.2007.01.005.
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Antioxidant metabolism in Xenopus laevis embryos is affected by stratospheric balloon flight.

Rizzo AM , Rossi F , Zava S , Montorfano G , Adorni L , Cotronei V , Zanini A , Berra B .

To test the effects of low levels of radiation from space on living organisms, we flew Xenopus laevis embryos at different stages of development on a stratospheric balloon (BI.R.BA mission). After recovery, different parameters were analyzed to assess the effects of flight, with particular regard to oxidative stress damage. Because of failed temperature control during flight, the flight shielded embryos (FC) could not be used for biochemical or morphological comparisons. In contrast, the incubation conditions (i.e. temperature, containers, volumes) for the flight embryos (F) were parallel to those for the ground controls. Mortality data show that younger embryos (16 h) flown on the balloon (F) are more sensitive to radiation exposure than older ones (40 h and 6 days). Exposure during flight lowered the antioxidant potential in all embryos, particularly older ones. These preliminary data demonstrate that flight on a stratospheric balloon might affect antioxidant metabolism, though it is not yet possible to correlate these results with low radiation exposure during flight.

PubMed ID: 17336552
Article link: Cell Biol Int