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J Cell Biol 1983 Oct 01;974:1240-2.
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Protein loss during nuclear isolation.

Paine PL , Austerberry CF , Desjarlais LJ , Horowitz SB .

Cryomicrodissection makes possible the measurement of the entire in vivo protein content of the amphibian oocyte nucleus and provides a heretofore missing baseline for estimating protein loss during nuclear isolation by other methods. When oocyte nuclei are isolated into an aqueous medium, they lose 95% of their protein with a half-time of 250 s. This result implies an even more rapid loss of protein from aqueously isolated nuclei of ordinary-size cells.

PubMed ID: 6619193
PMC ID: PMC2112592

Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
BATTIN, The osmotic properties of nuclei isolated from amphibian oocytes. 1959, Pubmed