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Mol Cell Biol 1981 Nov 01;111:983-93.
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Cellular titers and subcellular distributions of abundant polyadenylate-containing ribonucleic acid species during early development in the frog Xenopus laevis.

Dworkin MB , Hershey JW .

The distribution of cytoplasmic messenger ribonucleic acids (RNAs) in translationally active polysomes and inactive ribonucleoprotein particles changes during early development. Cellular levels and subcellular distributions have been determined for most messenger RNAs, but little is known about how individual sequences change. In this study, we used hybridization techniques with cloned sequences to measure the titers of 23 mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial polyadenylate-containing [poly(A)+]RNA species during early development in the frog Xenopus laevis. These RNA species were some of the most abundant cellular poly(A)+ RNA species in early embryos. The concentrations of most of the non-mitochondrial (cytoplasmic) RNAs remained constant in embryos during the first 10 h of development, although the concentrations of a few species increased. During neurulation, we detected several new poly(A)+ RNA sequences in polysomes, and with one possible exception the accumulation of these sequences was largely the result of new synthesis or de novo polyadenylation and not due to the recruitment of nonpolysomal (free ribonucleoprotein) poly(A)+ RNA. We measured the subcellular distributions of these RNA species in polysomes and free ribonucleoproteins during early development. In gastrulae, non-mitochondrial RNAs were distributed differentially between the two cell fractions; some RNA species were represented more in free ribonucleoproteins, and others were represented less. By the neurula stage this differential distribution in polysomes and free ribonucleoproteins was less pronounced, and we found species almost entirely in polysomes. Some poly(A)+ RNA species transcribed from the mitochondrial genome were localized within the mitochondria and were mapped to discrete fragments of the mitochondrial genome. Much of this poly(A)+ RNA was transcribed from the ribosomal locus. Nonribosomal mitochondrial poly(A)+ RNA species became enriched in polysome-like structures after fertilization, with time courses similar to the time course of mobilization of cytoplasmic poly(A)+ RNA.

PubMed ID: 6180297
PMC ID: PMC369720
Article link: Mol Cell Biol
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Alwine, Method for detection of specific RNAs in agarose gels by transfer to diazobenzyloxymethyl-paper and hybridization with DNA probes. 1977, Pubmed