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Nucleic Acids Res 1986 Dec 22;1424:9595-611.
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Molecular analysis of the interaction between an enhancer binding factor and its DNA target.

Piette J , Yaniv M .

The fine contacts of a mouse nuclear factor, called PEB1, with the B enhancer of polyoma virus were analyzed. It protects against DNaseI attack a region of about 50 base pairs that can be divided in two domains. The first contains a GC-rich palindrome and the homology to the SV40 enhancer. The second is homologous to a sequence in the immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain gene enhancer. Methylation interference and protection experiments reveal strong specific contacts only with a purine rich track on the late coding strand of the early proximal part of the palindrome. Deletion analysis show that the minimal sequences necessary for binding include only the first domain. The Ig homology contributes only weakly to the binding. The minimal core is similar to the core of the B enhancer defined in vivo. The interactions we observe here are reminiscent of those of TFIIIA positive transcription factor and the 5SRNA gene of Xenopus.

PubMed ID: 3027657
PMC ID: PMC341323
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: gtf3a

References [+] :
Arnott, DNA secondary structures: helices, wrinkles, and junctions. 1983, Pubmed