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Cell 2006 Oct 06;1271:85-97. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.08.037.
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Measurement of conformational changes accompanying desensitization in an ionotropic glutamate receptor.

Armstrong N , Jasti J , Beich-Frandsen M , Gouaux E .

The canonical conformational states occupied by most ligand-gated ion channels, and many cell-surface receptors, are the resting, activated, and desensitized states. While the resting and activated states of multiple receptors are well characterized, elaboration of the structural properties of the desensitized state, a state that is by definition inactive, has proven difficult. Here we use electrical, chemical, and crystallographic experiments on the AMPA-sensitive GluR2 receptor, defining the conformational rearrangements of the agonist binding cores that occur upon desensitization of this ligand-gated ion channel. These studies demonstrate that desensitization involves the rupture of an extensive interface between domain 1 of 2-fold related glutamate-binding core subunits, compensating for the ca. 21 degrees of domain closure induced by glutamate binding. The rupture of the domain 1 interface allows the ion channel to close and thereby provides a simple explanation to the long-standing question of how agonist binding is decoupled from ion channel gating upon receptor desensitization.

PubMed ID: 17018279
Article link: Cell

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: gria2

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