Comp Biochem Physiol B
1985 Jan 01;823:497-505.
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Vitellogenin genes and their products in closely and distantly related species of Xenopus.
Plasma vitellogenins from two closely related species of Xenopus, X. laevis and X. borealis, and a more ancient species, X. tropicalis, exhibited the same size on gel electrophoresis and were immunologically related. Partial peptide maps of 125I-labelled plasma vitellogenins, however, revealed marked differences in th structure and organisation of vitellogenin in the three Xenopus species. Northern blot hybridisation of liver RNA from oestrogen-treated males and females, probed with cloned vitellogenin cDNA, revealed the presence of mRNA of the same size in the three species of Xenopus, which was absent in untreated male liver. Cell-free translation of total liver RNA showed the presence of functional mRNA coding for vitellogenin subunit of the same size (Mr congruent to 210,000). Restriction endonuclease digestion patterns of genomic DNA from the three Xenopus species, using cloned X. laevis vitellogenin cDNA as the hybridisation probe, revealed significant differences in the organisation of these genes, which occur at a higher multiplicity in X. laevis and X. borealis than in X. tropicalis. Thus, despite a high degree of conservation of size, overall sequence and immunological identity of vitellogenin genes and their products in the three species of Xenopus, there is a substantial structural rearrangement during evolution of Xenopus within this multigene family.
PubMed ID: 2417779