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Dev Dyn 2007 Sep 01;2369:2444-53. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.21220.
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Muscle development in a biphasic animal: the frog.

Knowledge of muscle development in a vertebrate reflects strengths of the particular model system. For example, the origin of mesoderm is very well characterized in Xenopus laevis, where development of somites is less well understood. The major problem in muscle development, presented by frogs, is the complete replacement of larval muscles by adult muscles at thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis. All tail muscles die, all leg muscles form de novo, and muscles in the jaw and trunk show both processes. The nature of adult muscle progenitors remains unclear. Comparison of X. laevis development with divergent amphibian patterns, such as direct developers, which lack the larval tadpole, should highlight important steps in adult muscle formation.

PubMed ID: 17615578
Article link: Dev Dyn

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Antibodies: Fast Skeletal Muscle Ab1 Slow Skeletal Muscle Ab1 Somite Ab1