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J Comp Neurol 1981 Feb 01;1954:595-602. doi: 10.1002/cne.901950405.
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The emergence, localization, and maturation of neurotransmitter systems during development of the retina in Xenopus laevis. III. Dopamine.

Sarthy PV , Rayborn ME , Hollyfield JG , Lam DM .

The uptake, synthesis, and release of dopamine was studied in retinas of Xenopus laevis. In the tadpole and adult retina, 3H-dopamine is accumulated by cells located in the inner nuclear layer. Retinas preloaded with 3H-dopamine release this compound in response to high K+ concentrations in the medium. This release is probably Ca++-dependent as it is inhibited by Co++ in the medium. Adult retinas are also capable of synthesizing 3H-dopamine from 3H-tyrosine. The appearance and maturation of these dopaminergic properties were followed during retinal development. Our data indicate that synthesis of dopamine can first be detected as early as stage 35/36 whereas uptake of dopamine first occurs at stage 43. K+-stimulated release of preloaded 3H-dopamine from putative dopaminergic neurons is, however, not evident until stage 46. These results show that similar to the development of GABA-ergic and glycinergic properties, the uptake, synthesis, and release mechanisms for dopamine emerge at different stages during retinal differentiation in Xenopus Laevis.

PubMed ID: 6257766
Article link: J Comp Neurol