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Chromosoma 1981 Jan 01;822:189-96. doi: 10.1007/bf00286103.
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Transplantation of insect giant chromosome nuclei into amphibian oocytes.

Grossbach U , Streichhan I .

Polytene salivary gland nuclei of Chironomus pallidivittatus were transplanted into oocytes of Xenopus laevis which were then cultured in vitro for 18 h. The giant chromosomes and nucleoli as well as the entire nuclei enlarged considerably in volume during this time. The polyteny and specific chromomere pattern of the chromosomes were maintained, and the puffing of the salivary gland-specific Balbiani rings was not noticeably changed. - Polytene nuclei from differentiated insect cells transplanted into Xenopus oocytes thus appear suited for exposing giant chromosomes in vivo to purified factors such as regulatory molecules.

PubMed ID: 7227037
Article link: Chromosoma

References [+] :
BEERMANN, [A Balbiani ring as locus of a salivary gland mutation]. 1961, Pubmed