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Cytobios 1986 Jan 01;46184:25-35.
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Effects of calcium antagonists and calcium-buffered salines on wound healing in Xenopus early embryos.

Stanisstreet M , Smedley MJ , Veltkamp CJ .

The role of calcium in the process of wound closure in Xenopus early embryos was studied. Embryos were wounded in the presence of the calcium antagonists D-600 and TMB-8 or in calcium-buffered salines, and the effects on wound healing were observed by scanning electron microscopy. D-600 and TMB-8 inhibit wound closure and these antagonists appear to act synergistically since their combined effect is greater than their individual effects. Experiments with calcium-buffered salines suggest that wound closure can proceed in the presence of low extracellular calcium. In all conditions there is a correlation between the degree of wound closure and the shapes of the cells at the wound margin; closing wounds are accompanied by cells elongated radial to the wound, gaping (non-closing) wounds are accompanied by cells stretched tangential to the wound. Thus the results suggest that calcium influx may not be a requirement for the changes in cell shape which accompany, and probably effect, wound closure in Xenopus early embryos.

PubMed ID: 3731877