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Development 1995 Dec 01;12112:4293-301.
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Anti-dorsalizing morphogenetic protein is a novel TGF-beta homolog expressed in the Spemann organizer.

Moos M , Wang S , Krinks M .

We have identified a novel growth factor in Xenopus, which is most closely related to human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-3. Its expression peaks during gastrulation, most prominently in the Spemann organizer, and persists in the posterior neural floor plate and prechordal plate during neurulation. Injection of the corresponding mRNA into dorsal blastomeres results in dose-dependent suppression of dorsal and anterior structures, even in the presence of lithium chloride. Overexpression of the gene downregulates the dorsalizing factors noggin, goosecoid and follistatin, as well as the dorsal markers NCAM, muscle actin and MyoD; conversely, ventral markers are induced. We therefore designate this gene product Anti-Dorsalizing Morphogenetic Protein (ADMP). Though development of dorsoanterior structures is suppressed when exogenous ADMP is injected, the gene is induced by lithium chloride treatment or activin, both of which are known to produce the opposite effect. Thus, the expression of ADMP resembles that of several dorsalizing signals, but its product exerts dorsal-suppressing activity. This suggests that ADMP may moderate organizer-associated dorsalizing influences. These findings are also consistent with the recently advanced proposal of dorsally expressed inhibitory activin-like signals.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 8575329

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: acta4 actc1 actl6a admp fst gsc myod1 ncam1 nog sptssb src tbx2 tbxt tgfb1

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