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Mol Gen Genet 1980 Jan 01;1803:495-500.
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Photoreactivation of UV induced cell killing, chromosome aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges, mutations and pyrimidine dimers in Xenopus laevis fibroblasts.

van Zeeland AA , Natarajan AT , Verdegaal-Immerzeel EA , Filon AR .

Fibroblasts from Xenopus laevis, which possess photoreactivating enzyme were used to study the influence of photoreactivating light on the frequency of pyrimidine dimers in DNA, chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges, cell killing and the induction of gene mutations (ouabain-resistance) induced by 254 nm ultraviolet irradiation. The frequency of all biological endpoints studied were reduced following exposure to photoreactivating light parallel to the reduction in the frequencies of pyrimidine dimers (determined as endonuclease sensitive sites). However there was not always an absolute quantitative relationship between the reduction in the frequency of pyrimidine dimers and the reduction in the biological effects. This probably reflects a fast fixation process for the biological effects prior to removal of the dimers by photoreactivation.

PubMed ID: 6936598

References [+] :
Carrier, Paper strip method for assaying gradient fractions containing radioactive macromolecules. 1971, Pubmed