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J Cell Sci 1987 Mar 01;87 ( Pt 2):205-20.
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Weak bases partially activate Xenopus eggs and permit changes in membrane conductance whilst inhibiting cortical granule exocytosis.

Charbonneau M , Webb DJ .

At extracellular pH values close to their pKa values the weak bases, ammonia and procaine, elicited a series of events in non-activated Xenopus eggs, some of which resembled those normally occurring at fertilization. These included: (1) a transient increase in membrane conductance; (2) modification of the microvilli; (3) thickening of the cortical cytoplasm and displacement of the cortical granules; (4) pigment accumulation; (5) contractions and shape changes. However, these eggs did not undergo the cortical reaction nor emit the second polar body. Cortical granule exocytosis of inseminated or artificially stimulated eggs was inhibited if the eggs had been previously treated for 15 min with the weak base and subsequently rinsed. Multiple sperm-entry sites were exhibited by the inseminated eggs, suggesting polyspermy. However, such eggs did not cleave and although sperm had fused with the egg membrane, they were not incorporated. Nevertheless, a transient increase in membrane conductance was evoked, which was longer in duration and had a slightly different form from that normally accompanying fertilization. In these eggs cortical granules were intact but displaced away from the plasma membrane. Prolonged contact with the weak base rendered eggs totally unresponsive to sperm or artificial stimuli but eggs recovered when rinsed sufficiently. These effects of weak bases on unfertilized Xenopus eggs or during fertilization were completely absent at pH 7.4. Although changes in intracellular pH or Ca2+ may be involved in these phenomena, direct action by the weak base itself cannot be ruled out.

PubMed ID: 3654784
Article link: J Cell Sci