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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1978 Dec 01;7512:6073-7.
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DNAs of simian virus 40 and polyoma direct the synthesis of viral tumor antigens and capsid proteins in Xenopus oocytes.

Rungger D , Türler H .

Purified simian virus 40 and polyoma DNAs injected into nuclei of Xenopus oocytes were transcribed and subsequently translated into virus-specific tumor antigens and capsid proteins. Simian virus 40 large and small tumor antigens synthesized in the oocytes were indistinguishable, by gel electrophoresis and [35S]methionine-labeled tryptic peptide mapping, from the corresponding polypeptides synthesized in CV-1 African green monkey cells. The synthesis of large simian virus 40 tumor antigen implies the correct splicing of its mRNA, which is complementary to nonadjacent nucleotide sequences in the early region of the viral genome. Polyoma DNA directed synthesis of two polyoma tumor antigen polypeptides, 57,000 Mr and small tumor antigen, and of the main capsid protein.

PubMed ID: 216012
PMC ID: PMC393120

References [+] :
Ahmad-Zadeh, Two forms of simian-virus-40-specific T-antigen in abortive and lytic infection. 1976, Pubmed