Cell Differ Dev
1989 Dec 01;283:211-7. doi: 10.1016/0922-3371(89)90006-3.
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Neural differentiation of Xenopus laevis ectoderm takes place after disaggregation and delayed reaggregation without inducer.
When Xenopus blastula or early gastrula ectoderm is disaggregated and cells are kept dispersed for up to 5 h prior to reaggregation, the resulting spheres will differentiate into large neural structures. In contrast, dissociated and immediately reaggregated ectoderm will only differentiate into ciliated epidermis (so-called 'atypical epidermis'). Ectoderm treated with mesoderm-inducing XTC-conditioned medium during the period of reaggregation immediately after disaggregation will only form one- or two-cell types (notochord and somites) only. Ectoderm treated with XTC-factor prior to disaggregation will differentiate into a large variety of cell types.
PubMed ID: 2620262
Article link: Cell Differ Dev