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Nature 1979 Nov 01;2825734:82-4.
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Onset of neural function in the lateral line.

Zimmerman DM .

The development of the nervous system includes the formation of specific neuronal connections. Some insight into the mechanisms by which these connections are made may be obtained by determining the order in which the elements of a developing system begin to function and examining any changes that may occur in the system shortly after it begins functioning. I have investigated the lateral line of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis and I have classified the afferent system into three elements. First, the transduction mechanism, which includes all components that couple the water vibrations to the release of transmitter from the hair cell. Second, the afferent synapse, at which there is transmitter release and subsequent postsynaptic conductance changes. And third, the afferent axon. I report here experiments suggesting that these elements become functional in the following order: first, the axon can conduct action potentials; second, transmission is established; third, the transduction mechanism can modulate transmitter release. This same sequence has been reported in a system related to the lateral line, the auditory pathway of mammals.

PubMed ID: 228196