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J Cell Sci 2007 Apr 15;120Pt 8:1412-22. doi: 10.1242/jcs.000166.
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Regulatory mechanisms governing the oocyte-specific synthesis of the karyoskeletal protein NO145.

Voltmer-Irsch S , Kneissel S , Adenot PG , Schmidt-Zachmann MS .

Given the prominence and the biological importance of the nucleus it is remarkable how little is still known about structure-forming proteins in the nuclear interior. The karyoskeletal protein NO145 has been identified as a major constituent of a filamentous network surrounding the amplified nucleoli of Xenopus laevis oocytes. We now show that an orthologous protein also occurs in female germ cells of a wide range of other vertebrates, where it forms dot-like structures. Using the Xenopus oocyte system we further report a specific regulatory mechanism responsible for (1) the rapid degradation of the NO145 protein during meiotic maturation, and (2) the cell-type-dependent translation of NO145 mRNA. Microinjection experiments have revealed that NO145 is a target of proteasomes and the use of the rapid amplification of cDNA ends-polyadenylation test (RACE-PAT) has disclosed the existence of NO145 mRNAs differing in their 3' UTRs. Reporter systems as well as polyribosome profiling experiments have revealed the regulatory importance of the 3' UTRs, which affect the translational efficiency as well as the stability of the encoded protein. The highly conserved cell-type specificity and the extremely tight temporal regulation of NO145 synthesis suggest an important role of this protein in female meiotic prophase.

PubMed ID: 17374641
Article link: J Cell Sci

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: sycp2l