1987 May 01;1001:95-105.
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Cytoarchitecture of the Xenopus thymus following gamma-irradiation.
This paper describes in vitro and in vivo attempts to deplete the 4- to 8-month-old Xenopus laevis (J strain) thymus of its lymphocyte compartment. Gamma irradiation (2-3000 rad) of the excised thymus, followed by two weeks in organ culture, is effective in removing lymphocytes, but causes drastic reduction in size and loss of normal architecture. In contrast, in vivo whole-body irradiation (3000 rad) and subsequent in situ residence for 8-14 days proves successful in providing a lymphocyte-depleted froglet thymus without loss of cortical and medullary zones. In vivo-irradiated thymuses are about half normal size, lack cortical lymphocytes, but still retain some medullary thymocytes; they show no signs of lymphocyte regeneration when subsequently organ cultured for 2 weeks. Light microscopy of 1 micron, plastic-embedded sections and electron microscopy reveal that a range of thymic stromal cell types are retained and that increased numbers of cysts, mucous and myoid cells are found in the thymus following whole-body irradiation. In vivo-irradiated thymuses are therefore suitable for implantation studies exploring the role of thymic stromal cells in tolerance induction of differentiating T lymphocytes.
PubMed ID: 3308399
Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: rrad