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Mol Gen Genet 1984 Jan 01;1972:244-53.
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The 5S ribosomal RNA gene clusters in Tetrahymena thermophila: strain differences, chromosomal localization, and loss during micronuclear ageing.

Allen SL , Ervin PR , McLaren NC , Brand RE .

The organization of the 5S genes in the genome of Tetrahymena thermophila was examined in various strains, with germinal ageing, and the 5S gene clusters were mapped to the MIC chromosomes. When MIC or MAC DNA is cut with the restriction enzyme EcoRI, electrophoresed, blotted, and probed with a 5S rDNA probe, the banding patterns represent the clusters of the 5S rRNA genes as well as flanking regions. The use of long gels and 60 h of electrophoresis at 10 mA permitted resolution of some 30-35 5S gene clusters on fragments ranging in size from 30-2 kb (bottom of gel). The majority of the 5S gene clusters were found in both MIC and MAC genomes, a few being MIC limited and a few MAC limited. The relative copy number of 5S genes in each cluster was determined by integrating densitometric tracings made from autoradiograms. The total number of copies in the MAC was found to be 33% greater than in the MIC. When different inbred strains were examined, the majority of the 5S gene clusters were found to be conserved, with a few strain-specific clusters observed. Nine nullisomic strains missing both copies of one or more MIC chromosomes were used to map the 5S gene clusters. The clusters were distributed non-randomly to four of the five MIC chromosomes, with 17 of them localized to chromosome 1. A deletion map of chromosome 1 was constructed using various deletion strains. Some of these deletion strains included B strain clones which had been in continuous culture for 15 years. Losses of 5S gene clusters in these ageing MIC could be attributed to deletions of particular chromosomes. The chromosomal distribution of the 5S gene clusters in Tetrahymena is unlike that found for the well-studied eukaryotes, Drosophila and Xenopus.

PubMed ID: 6596476

Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: acta4

References [+] :
Allen, The preparation of congenic strains of Tetrahymena. 1971, Pubmed