1987 Mar 20;2354795:1489-92.
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Molecular cloning and expression of a human B-cell growth factor gene in Escherichia coli.
A human B-cell growth factor (BCGF) (12 kilodaltons) supports the clonal proliferation of B lymphocytes. A clone was isolated that contained the proper structural sequence to encode biologically active, 12-kilodalton BCGF in Escherichia coli and to hybridize to a specific messenger RNA, identified by in vitro translation in Xenopus laevis oocytes. A relatively hydrophobic region of 18 amino acids was found at the amino terminal of the 124-amino acid-long polypeptide. The carboxyl terminal is composed of at least 32 amino acids that are derived from nucleotide sequences bearing significant homology to the Alu repeat family.
PubMed ID: 3547651
Article link: Science
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References :
Phylogenetic analysis of a reported complementary DNA sequence.
1994, Pubmed