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Experientia 1978 Aug 15;348:1012-4. doi: 10.1007/bf01915316.
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Two new polyploid Xenopus species from western Uganda.

Fischberg M , Kobel HR .

2 new species of the anuran genus Xenopus have been found in western Uganda: X. ruwenzoriensis sp.n. with the hexaploid chromosome number of 108 in the Semliki Valley, west of the Ruwenzori, and X. species nova with the tetraploid chromosome number of 72 in and near lake Bunyoni.

PubMed ID: 700009
Article link: Experientia

References [+] :
Müller, Diplotene chromosomes of Xenopus hybrid oocytes. 1977, Pubmed, Xenbase