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C R Acad Hebd Seances Acad Sci D 1978 Mar 06;2869:685-8.
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[Inhibition by the enterotoxin of Vibrio cholerase of meiosis reinitiation of the Xenopus laevis oocyte induced in vitro by progesterone].

Godeau F , Boquet P , Schorderet M , Schorderet-Slatkine S , Baulieu EE .

Progesterone reinitiates in vitro meiosis in Xenopus laevis oocytes. This action of the hormone can be abolished by the exotoxin of vibrio cholerae. The concentration of toxin which inhibits 50% of the progesterone (10 muM) action in about 2.5 pM. Binding experiments using 125I labelled toxin demonstrated the existence of high affinity binding sites (KD approximately 0.2 nM) located probably on the surface of the oocytes.

PubMed ID: 95900