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Comp Biochem Physiol B 1991 Jan 01;1004:821-6.
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Vitellogenin--homologs of mammalian apolipoproteins?

Perez LE , Fenton MJ , Callard IP .

1. To determine if a relationship exists between vertebrate vitellogenins and mammalian plasma proteins the EMBL and NBRF computer databases were searched with two partial amino acid sequences from Xenopus laevis and Gallus gallus vitellogenin. 2. A significant relationship was found between vitellogenin and human apolipoprotein B-100 genes, and confirmed using homology-determination programs. 3. Further analysis shows that unique multiple proline consensus regions found in apolipoprotein B-100 are significantly similar to proline dominant regions in vitellogenin. 4. This work suggests that these proteins are functionally and structurally related and should be categorized as a functional group of hepatic lipid transport and metabolism proteins.

PubMed ID: 1782764

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: apob