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Acta Histochem Suppl 1986 Jan 01;32:105-9.
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The cellular distribution of histone H5 in embryonic and adult tissues of Xenopus laevis and chicken.

Moorman AF , de Boer PA , Lamers WH , Charles R .

The cellular distribution of histone H5 in embryonic and adult tissues of Xenopus laevis and chicken has been established with monoclonal antibodies to histone H5. Both in Xenopus and in chicken, the protein has presumably a more widespread cellular distribution than hitherto expected but is absent in most embryonic tissues. At least in Xenopus its presence seems not to be restricted to amitotic cells. Arguments will be put forward histone H5 in these animals should be considered as a H1(0) type of histone and that analogous to mammalian H1 degree this protein plays a role in differentiation.

PubMed ID: 3085145