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Genes Dev 1988 Oct 01;210:1284-95. doi: 10.1101/gad.2.10.1284.
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Expression of a histone H1-like protein is restricted to early Xenopus development.

Smith RC , Dworkin-Rastl E , Dworkin MB .

Genes whose expression is restricted to oogenesis and early development may have important functions in these processes. Northern analysis showed that Xenopus B4 mRNA is expressed in oogenesis and embryogenesis through to the neurula stage. Immunocytochemistry with anti-B4 antibodies showed that B4 protein is only detectable in preneurula stages; it is localized to nuclei and is associated with metaphase chromosomes. Immunoblotting revealed approximately constant levels of B4 protein per embryo for the first 2 days of development. Thus, as the number of nuclei increases during early development, the amount of B4 protein per nucleus is diluted out. Sequencing of two B4 cDNA clones revealed that the predicted B4 translation product is a 29-kD protein with 29% identity with histone H1, distributed over the entire length of its sequence. The B4 protein also has certain other H1 protein characteristics--a tripartite structure consisting of a mainly hydrophobic central domain flanked by an amino-terminal segment and a long hydrophilic carboxyterminal tail containing a tandemly repeated amino acid motif. However, in contrast to histone H1 mRNA, B4 mRNA has a classic polyadenylation signal, is polyadenylated, and lacks the histone H1 3' noncoding consensus sequence involved in RNA processing.

PubMed ID: 3060404
Article link: Genes Dev
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Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: h1-8 sp6

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