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J Biochem 1990 Dec 01;1086:947-53.
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Acetylcholine receptor-mediated membrane current in oocytes injected with Electrophorus electricus mRNA: analyses of nicotine, succinylcholine, and decamethonium responses on the basis of the minimal model.

Aoshima H .

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor was synthesized in Xenopus oocytes after injection of the mRNA purified from Electrophorus electricus electroplax. Nicotine, succinylcholine, and decamethonium (agonist)-elicited membrane currents in the injected oocytes were measured electrophysiologically by the voltage-clamping method. The following four different measurements were made to establish the relationship between the agonist concentration and the membrane current: 1) the agonist-induced membrane current before desensitization, 2) the agonist-induced membrane current after desensitization equilibrium, 3) the fraction of the active form of the receptors after desensitization equilibrium, 4) the rate of recovery of desensitized receptors upon removal of the agonist. These results were analyzed on the basis of the minimal model proposed from receptor-mediated ion translocation measurements. The equilibrium and rate constants of the model were evaluated for nicotine, succinylcholine, and decamethonium, and could explain the observed electrical responses in the injected oocyte, i.e. the characteristics of the receptor response caused by these agonists.

PubMed ID: 2089041
Article link: J Biochem