Exp Cell Res
1985 Sep 01;1601:9-18.
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Mononuclear cell-mediated modulation of synovial cell metabolism. II. Increased hyaluronic acid synthesis by a monocyte cell factor (MCF).
Treatment of cultured human synovial cells with a mononuclear cell factor (MCF) enhanced their ability to synthesize glycosaminoglycans (GAG), but GAG repartition between extracellular, pericellular and intracellular compartments was found to be the same as in control. Hyaluronic acid (HA) production, which represents 80-90% of all secreted GAG, was stimulated 2 1/2-3-fold, but the HA molecular weight was not modified. The MCF increased the hyaluronate synthetase activity of synovial cells in similar proportions. Actinomycin D inhibited the increase in hyaluronate synthetase activity produced by MCF, indicating that this increase involves new synthesis of mRNA. Stimulation of both HA synthesis and hyaluronate synthetase activity by MCF was suppressed by 10(-4)-10(-5) M indomethacin (an inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase), suggesting that MCF effect is prostaglandin-dependent.
PubMed ID: 3930273
Article link: Exp Cell Res