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Pflugers Arch 2006 Oct 01;4531:117-23. doi: 10.1007/s00424-006-0125-y.
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Automated fast perfusion of Xenopus oocytes for drug screening.

Baburin I , Beyl S , Hering S .

Fast ('concentration jump') applications of neurotransmitters are crucial for screening studies on ligand-gated ion channels. In this paper, we describe a method for automated fast perfusion of neurotransmitters (or drugs) during two-microelectrode voltage-clamp experiments on Xenopus oocytes. The oocytes are placed in a small bath chamber that is covered by a glass plate with two channels for the microelectrodes that are surrounded by a quartz funnel serving as a reservoir for test solutions. The oocytes are perfused in a vertical direction via the two channels in the plate. Automation of compound delivery is accomplished by means of a programmable pipetting workstation. A mean rise time for 10-90% current increase through muscle-type nACh channels of 55.0+/-1.3 ms (30 muM acetylcholine) was estimated. Automation, fast perfusion rates, and economical use of compounds ( approximately 100 mul/data point) make the system suitable for screening studies on ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels.

PubMed ID: 16953425
PMC ID: PMC3189690
Article link: Pflugers Arch
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Dascal, The use of Xenopus oocytes for the study of ion channels. 1987, Pubmed, Xenbase