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Anat Embryol (Berl) 1987 Jan 01;1764:493-500. doi: 10.1007/bf00310089.
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The development of the Merkel cells in the tentacles of Xenopus laevis larvae.

Eglmeier W .

The Merkel cells in the larval tentacles of Xenopus laevis were examined by TEM. Different forms of Merkel cells were found, depending on the age of the larvae or the location in the tentacles. These forms have the appearance of intermediate states between Merkel cells and superficial epidermal cells; thus an epidermal origin for the Merkel cells seems more likely than an immigration from the neural crest. The forms differ in (1) their location in the epidermis, (2) their shape, (3) the number and extension of their desmosomes, (4) the content and distribution of dense-core granules, and (5) the outgrowth of their finger-like processes. Also the relation to a nerve ending is different. By marking Merkel cells with quinacrine, fluorescence spots were observed between the superficial and basal epidermal cells or, in the very tip, within the superficial epidermal cells. These latter spots represent immature Merkel cells, as confirmed by TEM. This indicates a development of Merkel cells from superficial epidermal cells and migration towards the basal layer. Dermal Merkel cells were never observed.

PubMed ID: 3688453
Article link: Anat Embryol (Berl)

References [+] :
Breathnach, Ultrastructural observations on Merkel cells in human foetal skin. 1970, Pubmed