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Chromosoma 1988 Jan 01;963:187-96. doi: 10.1007/bf00302357.
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Structural analysis of the mitotic cycle in pre-gastrula Xenopus embryos.

Montag M , Spring H , Trendelenburg MF .

The long-known phenomenon of karyomere (chromosome vesicle) formation at early telophase of the nuclear cycle during early embryogenesis of a wide range of organisms including amphibians (Rubaschkin 1905; for review, see Richards 1917) was investigated in the early cleavage cycles of Xenopus laevis embryos before the mid blastula transition. Embryos were fixed and Epon embedded at successive time intervals and consecutive thick (3 micron) and ultrathin sections cut. Using conventional light microscopy at low magnification as well as phase and/or interference contrast video microscopy at high magnification, a substantial amount of information could be obtained from the analysis of optical sections in thick-sectioned material. In addition, details of the ultrastructural organization could be analysed from corresponding ultrathin sections by electron microscopy. The light microscopic analysis of serial thick sections allowed precise determination of the arrangement and sizes of telophase karyomere structures during the embryonic nuclear division cycle. It was found that small, widely spaced 1st order karyomeres fuse to larger (2nd order) karyomeres which then progressively exhibit lateral fusion of neighbouring karyomeres. The final coalescence of adjacent karyomeres marks the onset of the reorganization of the typical interphase nuclear structure. The data are discussed with regard to the occurrence of karyomeres during the embryonic nuclear cycle of arthropods, dipteran insects, and echinoderms as well as recent progress in the use of Xenopus egg extracts for in vitro assembly of nuclear structures around protein-free DNA.

PubMed ID: 3359878
Article link: Chromosoma

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: fubp1

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