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Mol Cell Biol 1988 Sep 01;89:3676-82. doi: 10.1128/mcb.8.9.3676-3682.1988.
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Promoter sequences required for transcription of Xenopus laevis histone genes in injected frog oocyte nuclei.

Heindl LM , Weil TS , Perry M .

Amphibian oogenesis is accompanied by the accumulation of histone mRNA and proteins in the absence of ongoing DNA replication. To begin an analysis of the mechanisms by which histone gene expression is regulated during frog oogenesis and embryogenesis, we used oocyte injection to examine the upstream sequences required for transcription of genes encoding each of the five histone classes. We found that sequences necessary for maximal levels of transcription are located 100 to 200 base pairs upstream of the corresponding start sites. In this region, each promoter examined contains conserved sequence elements, several of which seem to be histone gene class specific, in addition to other, more common sequence elements believed to be used by general transcription factors.

PubMed ID: 3221862
PMC ID: PMC365423
Article link: Mol Cell Biol
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Artishevsky, Cell-cycle regulatory sequences in a hamster histone promoter and their interactions with cellular factors. , Pubmed