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Cell 1987 Dec 24;516:1009-18.
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Two complexes that contain histones are required for nucleosome assembly in vitro: role of nucleoplasmin and N1 in Xenopus egg extracts.

Dilworth SM , Black SJ , Laskey RA .

The composition and function of histone storage complexes of Xenopus eggs have been investigated using monoclonal antibodies. We show that core histones are contained in two distinct complexes: H2A and H2B are associated with nucleoplasmin, and H3 and H4 are associated with nuclear protein N1. Immunodepletion analyses demonstrate that both complexes are required for nucleosome core assembly by extracts in vitro, the product being a simple sum of the histones from each complex. In addition, the majority of the stored H2A is shown to be an unusual form that migrates close to the position of H3 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and resembles a variant synthesized in a cell-cycle-independent manner in mammalian cells.

PubMed ID: 3690659
Article link: Cell

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: h2ac21 h2bc21 npm1