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J Gen Physiol 1998 Aug 01;1122:223-42. doi: 10.1085/jgp.112.2.223.
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Voltage gating of Shaker K+ channels. The effect of temperature on ionic and gating currents.

Rodríguez BM , Sigg D , Bezanilla F .

Ionic (Ii) and gating currents (Ig) from noninactivating Shaker H4 K+ channels were recorded with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp and macropatch techniques. Steady state and kinetic properties were studied in the temperature range 2-22 degreesC. The time course of Ii elicited by large depolarizations consists of an initial delay followed by an exponential rise with two kinetic components. The main Ii component is highly temperature dependent (Q10 > 4) and mildly voltage dependent, having a valence times the fraction of electric field (z) of 0.2-0.3 eo. The Ig On response obtained between -60 and 20 mV consists of a rising phase followed by a decay with fast and slow kinetic components. The main Ig component of decay is highly temperature dependent (Q10 > 4) and has a z between 1.6 and 2.8 eo in the voltage range from -60 to -10 mV, and approximately 0.45 eo at more depolarized potentials. After a pulse to 0 mV, a variable recovery period at -50 mV reactivates the gating charge with a high temperature dependence (Q10 > 4). In contrast, the reactivation occurring between -90 and -50 mV has a Q10 = 1.2. Fluctuation analysis of ionic currents reveals that the open probability decreases 20% between 18 and 8 degreesC and the unitary conductance has a low temperature dependence with a Q10 of 1.44. Plots of conductance and gating charge displacement are displaced to the left along the voltage axis when the temperature is decreased. The temperature data suggests that activation consists of a series of early steps with low enthalpic and negative entropic changes, followed by at least one step with high enthalpic and positive entropic changes, leading to final transition to the open state, which has a negative entropic change.

PubMed ID: 9689029
PMC ID: PMC2525751
Article link: J Gen Physiol
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References [+] :
Aggarwal, Contribution of the S4 segment to gating charge in the Shaker K+ channel. 1996, Pubmed, Xenbase