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Pflugers Arch 1985 Jan 01;405 Suppl 1:S59-66.
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Functional analysis of tight junction organization.

DiBona DR .

The functional basis of tight junction design has been examined from the point of view that this rate-limiting barrier to paracellular transport is a multicompartment system. Review of the osmotic sensitivity of these structures points to the need for this sort of analysis for meaningful correlation of structure and function under a range of conditions. A similar conclusion is drawn with respect to results from voltage-clamping protocols where reversal of spontaneous transmural potential difference elicits parallel changes in both structure and function in much the same way as does reversal of naturally occurring osmotic gradients. In each case, it becomes necessary to regard the junction as a functionally polarized structure to account for observations of its rectifying properties. Lastly, the details of experimentally-induced junction deformation are examined in light of current theories of its organization; arguments are presented in favor of the view that the primary components of intramembranous organization (as viewed with freeze-fracture techniques) are lipidic rather than proteinaceous.

PubMed ID: 4088839

References [+] :
Bobrycki, Structural responses to voltage-clamping in the toad urinary bladder. I. The principal role of granular cells in the active transport of sodium. 1981, Pubmed