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FEBS Lett 1990 Jul 02;2671:121-5.
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Presence of a differentially expressed U3A RNA variant in mouse. Structure and evolutive implications.

Mazan S , Qu LH , Sri-Widada J , Nicoloso M , Bachellerie JP .

A U3 RNA variant has been identified in mouse, the abundance of which relative to the previously characterized major form (U3B) appears to vary to a large extent depending upon the cell origin. Its partial sequence analysis shows that it is clearly related to the U3A form previously described in rat. Sequence comparisons suggest that the separation of the two forms of U3 genes now found in rat and mouse represent a relatively ancient event in rodent evolution. While mouse U3B RNA is encoded by four clustered genes, the U3A variant is encoded by a unique gene. Both mouse U3 RNAs differ substantially in primary structure (more than 10% divergence). Although rodent U3 RNAs exhibit a largely similar secondary structure, a specific difference between the A and B form can nevertheless be observed.

PubMed ID: 2365077
Article link: FEBS Lett