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J Biol Chem 1989 Oct 25;26430:17649-52.
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Molecular characterization of a functional cDNA for rat substance P receptor.

Yokota Y , Sasai Y , Tanaka K , Fujiwara T , Tsuchida K , Shigemoto R , Kakizuka A , Ohkubo H , Nakanishi S .

This paper describes the amino acid sequence of the rat substance P receptor and its comparison with that of the rat substance K receptor on the basis of molecular cloning and sequence analysis. From a rat brain cDNA library constructed with an RNA expression vector, we identified a cDNA mixture containing a functional substance P receptor cDNA by examining electrophysiologically a receptor expression following injection of the mRNAs synthesized in vitro into Xenopus oocytes. A receptor cDNA clone was then isolated by cross-hybridization with the bovine substance K receptor cDNA. The clone was confirmed by selective binding of substance P to the cloned receptor expressed in mammalian COS cells. The deduced amino acid sequence (407 amino acid residues) possesses seven putative membrane spanning domains and shows a sequence similarity to the members of G-protein-coupled receptors. The rat substance P and substance K receptors are very similar in both size and amino acid sequences, particularly in the putative transmembrane regions and the first and second cytoplasmic loops. This similarity is in marked contrast to the sequence divergence in the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions and the third cytoplasmic loop. The observed sequence similarity and divergence would thus contribute to the expression of similar but pharmacologically distinguishable activities of the two tachykinin receptors.

PubMed ID: 2478537
Article link: J Biol Chem

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: tac1