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Nat Commun 2022 Mar 10;131:1267. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28946-w.
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An open-like conformation of the sigma-1 receptor reveals its ligand entry pathway.

Meng F , Xiao Y , Ji Y , Sun Z .

The sigma-1 receptor (σ1R) is a non-opioid transmembrane receptor which has been implicated in many diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. After more than forty years of research, substantial progress has been made in understanding this unique receptor, yet the molecular mechanism of its ligand entry pathway remains uncertain. Published structures of human σ1R reveal its homotrimeric organization of a cupin-fold β-barrel body that contains the ligand binding site, a carboxy-terminal V-shaped two-helix bundle, and a single amino-terminal transmembrane helix, while simulation studies have suggested a ligand entry pathway that is generated by conformational rearrangements of the cupin-fold domain. Here, we present multiple crystal structures, including an open-like conformation, of σ1R from Xenopus laevis. Together with functional binding analysis our data suggest that access to the σ1R ligand binding site is likely achieved by protein conformational changes that involve the carboxy-terminal two-helix bundle, rather than structural changes in the cupin-fold domain.

PubMed ID: 35273182
Article link: Nat Commun

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis

References [+] :
Afonine, Towards automated crystallographic structure refinement with phenix.refine. 2012, Pubmed