1980 May 01;201:107-17.
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Comparative analysis of the structural organization of two closely related vitellogenin genes in X. laevis.
The structural organization of the two closely related vitellogenin genes A1 and A2 has been determined and compared by electron microscopy. In both genes the mRNA-coding sequence of 6 kb is interrupted 33 times, leading to a total gene length of 21 kb for gene A1 and 16 kb for gene A2. Thus both genes have a mean exon length of 0.175 kb, while the mean intron length is 0.45 kb in gene A1 and 0.31 kb in gene A2. Because the introns interrupt the structural sequence at homologous positions in genes A1 and A2, we suggest that these two genes are the products of a duplication of an ancestral gene which has an intron-exon arrangement similar to that of the extant genes. Since the duplication event, the sequence and length of the analogous introns have changed rapidly, whereas homologous exons have diverged to an extent of only 5% of their sequences. The results suggest different mechanisms of evolution for exons and introns. While the exons evolved primarily by point mutations, such mutations, as well as deletion, insertion and duplication events, were important in the evolution of the introns.
PubMed ID: 7388940
Article link: Cell