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Biophys J 1984 Dec 01;466:831-5.
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Saturation behavior of single, amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels in planar lipid bilayers.

Olans L , Sariban-Sohraby S , Benos DJ .

Single epithelial Na+ channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers were studied to determine the effects of Na concentration on its own conductance. Amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels were obtained from apical membrane vesicles made from A6 cells, a continuous epithelial cell-line derived from amphibian kidney. Single-channel conductance was found to be a saturable function of Na+ concentration, with a Michaelis constant of approximately 17 or 47 mM, for a Gmax of approximately 4 or 44 pS, respectively.

PubMed ID: 6097320
PMC ID: PMC1435104
Article link: Biophys J
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Benos, Amiloride: a molecular probe of sodium transport in tissues and cells. 1982, Pubmed