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J Gen Virol 1979 Feb 01;422:357-62.
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Cross-neutralization study of seven California group (Bunyaviridae) strains in homoiothermous (PS) and poikilothermous (XTC-2) vertebrate cells.

Hubálek Z , Chanas AC , Johnson BK , Simpson DI .

Antigenic relationships among seven California group strains were studied by a plaque-reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Cross-reactions occurred in most cases but three subgroups were noted: (1) the major serogroup contained the viruses of California encephalitis, LaCrosse, Snowshoe Hare and Trahyna (including the Lumbo strain) whereas (2) Jamestown Canyon and (3) Trivittatus viruses were distinct. There was no significant difference between the PRNT results in mammalian (PS) cells incubated at 37 degrees C and amphibian (XTC-2) cells incubated at 28 degrees C. Trivittatus virus failed to produce plaques in XTC-2 cells.

PubMed ID: 84857
Article link: J Gen Virol