Dev Cell
2018 Mar 12;445:597-610.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.01.022.
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Innate Immune Response and Off-Target Mis-splicing Are Common Morpholino-Induced Side Effects in Xenopus.
Antisense morpholino oligomers (MOs) have been indispensable tools for developmental biologists to transiently knock down (KD) genes rather than to knock them out (KO). Here we report on the implications of genetic KO versus MO-mediated KD of the mesoderm-specifying Brachyury paralogs in the frog Xenopus tropicalis. While both KO and KD embryos fail to activate the same core gene regulatory network, resulting in virtually identical morphological defects, embryos injected with control or target MOs also show a systemic GC content-dependent immune response and many off-target splicing defects. Optimization of MO dosage and increasing incubation temperatures can mitigate, but not eliminate, these MO side effects, which are consistent with the high affinity measured between MO and off-target sequence in vitro. We conclude that while MOs can be useful to profile loss-of-function phenotypes at a molecular level, careful attention must be paid to their immunogenic and off-target side effects.
???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 29478923
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC5861998
???displayArticle.link??? Dev Cell
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]
Wellcome Trust , FC001-157 Cancer Research UK, FC001-157 Medical Research Council , MC_U117597140 Medical Research Council , FC001157 Arthritis Research UK
Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: abi1 actc1 bloc1s4 c3ar1 casp10 cav1 cav3.2 cdx1 cdx2 cdx4 chit1 cripto.3 dtymk esr-5 exosc9 foxn4 gdf3 hes7.2 hoxd8 il1b irf1 map3k14 marchf8 meox2 mesp2 mespa msgn1 myc myf5 myh6 myod1 ncf4 pram1 ptbp1 rfx2 ripk3l.2 ripply2 ripply2.2 slc22a18 socs3 tal1 tbx18 tbx6 tbxt tbxt.2 tf tlr5 tnf tp53 tp53inp1 tra2b tyro3
???displayArticle.antibodies??? HA Ab20 Myc Ab12 Tuba4a Ab3
Lines/Strains: ???displayArticle.morpholinos??? tbxt.2 MO3 tbxt.2 MO4 tbxt MO2 tbxt MO3
???displayArticle.gses??? GSE96655: Xenbase, NCBI
???attribute.lit??? ???displayArticles.show???
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Figure 1. TALEN-Induced Deletions Nullify Brachyury Function (A) TALEN-induced 2- and 7-bp deletions in exon 1 of t (e1.2D) and exon 3 of t2 (e3.7D), and predicted frameshift translations generating truncated proteins of 59 and 170 amino acids (aa). These mutations were selected to generate a double heterozygous X. tropicalis line for the Brachyury paralogs t and t2 (te1.2D/+t2e3.7D/+). (B) t and t2 transcript levels in hetero- and homozygous embryos as measured by qRT-PCR at early neurula stage (n = 3, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test: âp ⤠0.05. (C) Multi-probe WMISH for various mesoderm cell lineage and derivative markers (actc1; cardiac and skeletal muscle; cav1, notochord; hoxd8, pronephros; myh6, heart; tal1, ventral blood island; tbx6, paraxial mesoderm) in wild-type and Brachyury (t/t2) null (KO) embryos, as well as embryos injected with four MOs targeting t and t2 (t/t2 MO mix) at mid-tailbud stage. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. |
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Figure 2. Transcriptional Deviation from Genetic Counterpart Reveals Immune Response as MO Side Effect (A) Principal component (PC) analysis of poly(A) RNA profiles at indicated tailbud stages resulting from biological triplicates of a t/t2 KD and KO experiment. The KD experiment involved uninjected (not labeled), control (cMO), and t/t2 MO-injected embryos. The KO experiment consisted of wild-type (WT) (not labeled), heterozygous (tâ/+t2â/+; data points framed in black, not labeled) and homozygous (t/t2 KO) embryos. (B) Jitter/boxplot and pie chart show pairwise transcriptional comparisons of cMO, t/t2 MO (KD), heterozygous (het), KO embryos with uninjected (uni), cMO, or wild-type (WT) embryos. Only fold changes with FDR â¤10% were colored: navy blue <25%, sky blue 25%â67%, orange 150%â400%, and red >400% compared with reference transcript level. Percentage number in pie chart represents percentage of genes that were unaffected (i.e., whose fold change are <1.5 or FDR >10% between indicated conditions). (C) Venn diagram of genes with increased and decreased transcript levels (i.e., â¥1.5-fold change at FDR â¤10%). See Table S3 for corresponding gene list. (D) Statistical significance (hypergeometric p value) of enrichment for some selected biological processes (BPs) among the indicated Venn fields. (E) MO-triggered transcriptional signature of an immune response. Gray areas represent Newman-Girvan-based communities of enriched BPs associated with 842 genes in fields A, B, and C of the Venn diagram. See Table S4 for corresponding and other Venn field-specific gene set enrichment analyses. |
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Figure 3. Ubiquitous Immune Response against MO Intensifies during Embryogenesis (A) Panel of genes upregulated in control and t/t2 morphants associated with the immune response and genes downregulated in t/t2 morphants and null mutants representing the Brachyury-dependent core network. Heatmap to the right represents the binding map of Brachyury (t) in the proximity (±40 kb) of indicated transcription start sites (TSS) at early tailbud stage (Gentsch et al., 2013). (B) WMISH of immune response related gene transcripts c3ar1, tp53inp1, and tp53 in uninjected (uni) embryos and embryos injected with 18 ng of cMO or t/t2 MO mix. Left bottom corner inset, dorsal view of tailbud head showing elevated transcript levels in the CNS. tp53 antisense probe did not discriminate active isoforms shown in D. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. (C) Temporal dynamics of transcript fold changes (log2 scale) for a selected group of genes representing the Brachyury-directed core network (tbx6) and the immune response (c3ar1, tp53inp1, and tp53) in MO-injected versus uninjected embryos as measured by qRT-PCR (n = 3, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test (â¥1.5-fold change): âp ⤠0.1; ââp ⤠0.01; and âââp ⤠0.001. (D) Genome map of full length tp53 and δ99tp53 transcript isoforms shows normalized transcript levels for uninjected (uni), control morphants (cMO), t/t2 morphants (t/t2 MO), wild-type (WT), t/t2 heterozygous (t/t2 het), and homozygous (t/t2 KO) mutant embryos at tailbud stages 26 and 34. Isoform-corresponding translation products with critical domains are on display below the heatmap: TAD, transactivation domain; DBD, DNA binding domain; NLS, nuclear localization signal; and OD, oligomerization domain. |
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Figure 4. Intensity of Innate Immune Response Depends on GC Content of MO (A) Assigning the induction of immune response-related genes tp53, tp53inp1, and c3ar1 to single splice- or translation-blocking MOs (MOsplice and MOtransl) of the t/t2 MO mix injected at 8 ng per embryo as well as to the cell lineage tracer sulforhodamine (coupled to dextran). The transcript fold change was determined at late tailbud stage by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test: âp ⤠0.1. (B and C) c3ar1 induction was increasing with the GC content of the injected MO as determined by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD) and WMISH. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. |
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Figure 5. MOs Can Cause Off-Target Mis-splicing (A) Quantitative comparison of t transcript levels and splice junction usage between t/t2 MO-injected and uninjected tailbud embryos in a superimposed Sashimi plot. Canonical and cryptic splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. Magnification of the first intron indicates position and altered usage (see arrow after abbreviation for various splice sites) of splice junctions caused by the t donor splice-blocking MO (MOsplice): a, acceptor splice site; d, canonical donor splice site; cr1-4, cryptic splice sites. (B) Consensus sequence of all canonical donor splice junctions detected in the transcriptome of X. tropicalis tailbud embryos and best alignment with control and donor splice-blocking MOs. (C) Seriated heatmap of differentially used intron clusters, transcript level changes, and MO match length at blocked splice junctions for indicated conditions compared with their uninjected controls. Selected intron clusters represent coupled splicing events that were inversely mis-regulated in either t/t2 MO- or cMO-injected tailbud embryos: inhibition of canonical (can) splicing caused alternative or cryptic (alt/cr) splice sites to be used more frequently. Blocked splice sites, 758 in t/t2 morphants and 153 control morphants, were observed with higher occurrences of reduced transcript levels (<67%; 165:54 and 19:1, respectively) and more consecutive MO base pairing (â¥10; 92:26 and 49:2, respectively) than expected (nobs:nexp). (D) Temporal dynamics of mis-splicing (solid bar) and transcript (filled bar) fold changes (log2 scale) for transcripts dtymk, abi1, bloc1s4, and t in control (cMO) and t/t2 morphants (t/t2 MO) from neurula (stage 15) to mid-tailbud (stage 26) to late tailbud stage (stage 34). Mis-splicing was quantified by qRT-PCR (n = 3, mean ± SD) using forward primers that span alternative or cryptic splice junctions (altSJ/crSJ) as shown above the bar graph for dtymk and t. Cryptic splice junction shortens first exon of t (colored blue). Changes in transcript levels were determined at indicated exons (e). See Key Resources Table for the design of qRT-PCR primers. (E) Superimposed Sashimi plot of transcript dtymk whose splicing was affected by both cMO and t/t2 MO at tailbud stage. Canonical and alternative (between exons 2 and 5) splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. The blocked donor splice site featured partial matches of â¥8 consecutive bases with the MOsplice of t and t2 as well as the cMO. The alignments show canonical Watson-Crick (vertical bar) and non-canonical wobble (colon) base pairing between the transcript and several MOs. (F) Confirmation of the alignment-based predictions in E by injecting single MOs or tracer sulforhodamine as indicated. Fold changes (log2 scale) to the alternative splicing and transcript level of dtymk were quantified by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test: âp < 0.1; ââp < 0.01. |
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Figure 6. Analysis of Public RNA-Seq Datasets Substantiates Identified MO Side Effects Superscripts refer to the published datasets used in this study: 1Marlétaz et al., 2015; 2Dichmann et al., 2015; 3Noiret et al., 2016; 4Chung et al., 2014; and 5Campbell et al., 2016. (A) Heatmap of MO-induced transcriptional mis-regulation (%, percentage compared with uninjected embryos) of c3ar1 (c3ar1.L), tp53inp1 (tp53inp1.L), and tp53 (tp53.L) in X. tropicalis and X. laevis (gene names in brackets) embryos at indicated developmental stages. Asterisks indicate statistical significance: âFDR â¤10%; ââFDR â¤1%; and âââFDR â¤0.1%. The (average) GC content and dosage of MO(s) are listed below the heatmap. (B) Seriated heatmap of splice/transcript levels and MO match length at blocked splice junctions for MO-injected embryos compared with their uninjected controls. Selected intron clusters represent coupled splicing events that were inversely mis-regulated in embryos injected with cMO (153 intron clusters at tailbud stage) or the cdx1/2/4 MO mix (41 intron clusters at neurula stage): inhibition of canonical (can) splicing caused alternative or cryptic (alt/cr) splice sites to be used more frequently. Intron cluster-specific heatmap rows were sorted by the mis-regulation of canonical splicing in morphants. (C) Superimposed Sashimi plot of transcript dtymk whose splicing was affected by cMO at early neurula stage (data from Marlétaz et al., 2015). Canonical and alternative (between exons 2 and 5) splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. The blocked donor splice site of intron 3 contains 10 consecutive bases perfectly complementary to sequence of the cMO. |
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Figure S1. Generation of the Double Heterozygous Line for Brachyury paralogues t and t2, Related to Figure 1 (A) Scheme to generate the t e1.2D/+t2e3.7D/+ (t -/+t2-/+) X. tropicalis line. (B,F) TALEN design for t or t2 mutagenesis and positions of MOs blocking donor splice site (MOsplice) or translation initiation site (MOtransl) of the corresponding transcript. (C,G) TALENinduced mutation rate at the targeted SacI or EcoRI site as estimated by the partial restriction digest of specific PCR amplicons. (D) Sanger sequencing summary of generated indels in exon 1 of t. (E) Morphological defects caused by TALEN-induced t mutations at late tailbud stage. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. (H) Western blot of injected wildtype and mutant t or t2 constructs tagged either N- or C-terminally with HA. The detection of exogenous myc (as part of the injected fam83g-myc mRNA) and endogenous α-tubulin were used as controls for injection/translation efficiency and gel electrophoresis loading, respectively. (I) Mutant Brachyury constructs failed to disrupt gastrulation. Scale bar, 0.25 mm. |
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Figure S2. Brachyury KO and KD Embryos Are Morphologically Very Similar, Related to Figure 2 (A) Gross morphological comparison between different conditions of the KD and KO experiment at the indicated tailbud stages. Uninjected (uni) and control MO (cMO)-injected embryos were controls for the t/t2 morphants (t/t2 MO). Wild-type (wt)embryos were siblings of the mutant embryos (hetero- and homozygous for the mutant and t2 allele, t/t2 het and t/t2 KO). Scale bar, 0.5 mm. (B) Comparison of low fragment count gene transcripts to estimate minimal fragment count required for calling reliable fold changes. Genes that averaged <7 fragments between cMO-injected and uninjected and heterozygous and wild-type embryos over tailbud stage 26 and 34 were excluded due to a higher degree of spurious fold changes. |
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Figure S3. Increased Transcription of tp53 Depending on GC Content of MO Does Not Cause More Apoptosis, Related to Figure 3 and 4 (A) TUNEL assay on morphants and sibling embryos from double heterozygous t -/+t2+/- parents. DNase-treated wild-type embryos were used as positive controls. (B) Single WMISH for tp53 and multi-probe WMISH for various mesoderm cell lineage and derivative markers (cav1, notochord; hoxd8, pronephros; myh6, heart; tal1, ventral blood island; tbx6, paraxial mesoderm) of late tailbud embryos injected with single MOs or tracer sulforhodamine-dextran. Scale bar, 0.5 mm |
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Figure S4. Specific MOs of the t/t2 MO Cocktail Cause Off-Target Splicing Defects, Related to Figure 5 (A,C) Superimposed Sashimi plot of abi1 and bloc1s4 transcripts whose splicing was perturbed by the injected t/t2 MO mix. Canonical and alternative splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. Blocked splice sites containing matches of â¥8 consecutive bases with a specific MO are shown as alignments. Canonical WatsonCrick and non-canonical wobble base pairing are marked as vertical bar and colon, respectively. (B,D) RT-qPCR (n = 4, mean ± SD) confirmed that specific MOs of the t/t2 MO mix were responsible for mis-splicing. The fold change (log2 scale) of transcript levels and alternative splicing between exon 7 and 11 (abi1) and exon 4 and 6 (bloc1s4) are shown as filled and solid bars, respectively. Two-tailed t-test: *, p â¤0.1; **, p â¤0.01. See Figure 3D and Key Resources Table for the design of RT-qPCR primers. |
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Figure S5. Temperature and MO Dosage Effects on Brachyury Phenotype and Immune Response Related Gene Transcription, Related to Figure 7 (A) WMISH for tp53 of late tailbud embryos injected with 4.5 or 18 ng of the t/t2 MO mix and developed at 22 ºC or 28.5ºC. *, Remark: Increasing incubation temperature also slightly up-regulated tp53 in the absence of any MO (confirmed by RT-qPCR, data not shown). (B) Multi-probe WMISH for various mesoderm cell lineage and derivative markers (cav1, notochord; hoxd8, pronephros; myh6, heart; tal1, ventral blood island; tbx6, paraxial mesoderm) and single WMISH for tp53, tp53inp1 and c3ar1 of mid-tailbud (stage 26) and late tailbud embryos (stage 34) injected with 6 or 18 ng of the t/t2 MO mix. White arrowheads point to the expression domains of tbx6 and cav1 that were not maintained in embryos without functional Brachyury. (C) WMISH for tp53inp1 on wild-type (or t/t2 heterozygous) and t/t2 null mutant embryos as well as embryos injected with 1 and 3 ng MO. The embryos were developed to late tailbud stage 34 at 25-26ºC. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. |
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Xtr.tbxt mutant embryos (-/-) bottom, show tail truncation phenotype, compared with heterozygotes (+/-) and wildtype controls (+/+ top) |
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Double Knockout tbtx and tbtx.2 mutant embryos Xtr.tbxt,tbxt.2{tmJcsm} at NF stage 26/27 (left) and NF stage 35/37 (right). Note the phenotype is lack of tailbud formation. |
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Figure 1. TALEN-Induced Deletions Nullify Brachyury Function(A) TALEN-induced 2- and 7-bp deletions in exon 1 of t (e1.2D) and exon 3 of t2 (e3.7D), and predicted frameshift translations generating truncated proteins of 59 and 170 amino acids (aa). These mutations were selected to generate a double heterozygous X. tropicalis line for the Brachyury paralogs t and t2 (te1.2D/+t2e3.7D/+).(B) t and t2 transcript levels in hetero- and homozygous embryos as measured by qRT-PCR at early neurula stage (n = 3, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test: âp ⤠0.05.(C) Multi-probe WMISH for various mesoderm cell lineage and derivative markers (actc1; cardiac and skeletal muscle; cav1, notochord; hoxd8, pronephros; myh6, heart; tal1, ventral blood island; tbx6, paraxial mesoderm) in wild-type and Brachyury (t/t2) null (KO) embryos, as well as embryos injected with four MOs targeting t and t2 (t/t2 MO mix) at mid-tailbud stage. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. |
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Figure 2. Transcriptional Deviation from Genetic Counterpart Reveals Immune Response as MO Side Effect(A) Principal component (PC) analysis of poly(A) RNA profiles at indicated tailbud stages resulting from biological triplicates of a t/t2 KD and KO experiment. The KD experiment involved uninjected (not labeled), control (cMO), and t/t2 MO-injected embryos. The KO experiment consisted of wild-type (WT) (not labeled), heterozygous (tâ/+t2â/+; data points framed in black, not labeled) and homozygous (t/t2 KO) embryos.(B) Jitter/boxplot and pie chart show pairwise transcriptional comparisons of cMO, t/t2 MO (KD), heterozygous (het), KO embryos with uninjected (uni), cMO, or wild-type (WT) embryos. Only fold changes with FDR â¤10% were colored: navy blue <25%, sky blue 25%â67%, orange 150%â400%, and red >400% compared with reference transcript level. Percentage number in pie chart represents percentage of genes that were unaffected (i.e., whose fold change are <1.5 or FDR >10% between indicated conditions).(C) Venn diagram of genes with increased and decreased transcript levels (i.e., â¥1.5-fold change at FDR â¤10%). See Table S3 for corresponding gene list.(D) Statistical significance (hypergeometric p value) of enrichment for some selected biological processes (BPs) among the indicated Venn fields.(E) MO-triggered transcriptional signature of an immune response. Gray areas represent Newman-Girvan-based communities of enriched BPs associated with 842 genes in fields A, B, and C of the Venn diagram. See Table S4 for corresponding and other Venn field-specific gene set enrichment analyses. |
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Figure 3. Ubiquitous Immune Response against MO Intensifies during Embryogenesis(A) Panel of genes upregulated in control and t/t2 morphants associated with the immune response and genes downregulated in t/t2 morphants and null mutants representing the Brachyury-dependent core network. Heatmap to the right represents the binding map of Brachyury (t) in the proximity (±40 kb) of indicated transcription start sites (TSS) at early tailbud stage (Gentsch et al., 2013).(B) WMISH of immune response related gene transcripts c3ar1, tp53inp1, and tp53 in uninjected (uni) embryos and embryos injected with 18 ng of cMO or t/t2 MO mix. Left bottom corner inset, dorsal view of tailbud head showing elevated transcript levels in the CNS. tp53 antisense probe did not discriminate active isoforms shown in D. Scale bar, 0.5 mm.(C) Temporal dynamics of transcript fold changes (log2 scale) for a selected group of genes representing the Brachyury-directed core network (tbx6) and the immune response (c3ar1, tp53inp1, and tp53) in MO-injected versus uninjected embryos as measured by qRT-PCR (n = 3, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test (â¥1.5-fold change): âp ⤠0.1; ââp ⤠0.01; and âââp ⤠0.001.(D) Genome map of full length tp53 and Î99tp53 transcript isoforms shows normalized transcript levels for uninjected (uni), control morphants (cMO), t/t2 morphants (t/t2 MO), wild-type (WT), t/t2 heterozygous (t/t2 het), and homozygous (t/t2 KO) mutant embryos at tailbud stages 26 and 34. Isoform-corresponding translation products with critical domains are on display below the heatmap: TAD, transactivation domain; DBD, DNA binding domain; NLS, nuclear localization signal; and OD, oligomerization domain. |
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Figure 4. Intensity of Innate Immune Response Depends on GC Content of MO(A) Assigning the induction of immune response-related genes tp53, tp53inp1, and c3ar1 to single splice- or translation-blocking MOs (MOsplice and MOtransl) of the t/t2 MO mix injected at 8 ng per embryo as well as to the cell lineage tracer sulforhodamine (coupled to dextran). The transcript fold change was determined at late tailbud stage by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD). Two-tailed t test: âp ⤠0.1.(B and C) c3ar1 induction was increasing with the GC content of the injected MO as determined by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD) and WMISH. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. |
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Figure 5. MOs Can Cause Off-Target Mis-splicing(A) Quantitative comparison of t transcript levels and splice junction usage between t/t2 MO-injected and uninjected tailbud embryos in a superimposed Sashimi plot. Canonical and cryptic splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. Magnification of the first intron indicates position and altered usage (see arrow after abbreviation for various splice sites) of splice junctions caused by the t donor splice-blocking MO (MOsplice): a, acceptor splice site; d, canonical donor splice site; cr1-4, cryptic splice sites.(B) Consensus sequence of all canonical donor splice junctions detected in the transcriptome of X. tropicalis tailbud embryos and best alignment with control and donor splice-blocking MOs.(C) Seriated heatmap of differentially used intron clusters, transcript level changes, and MO match length at blocked splice junctions for indicated conditions compared with their uninjected controls. Selected intron clusters represent coupled splicing events that were inversely mis-regulated in either t/t2 MO- or cMO-injected tailbud embryos: inhibition of canonical (can) splicing caused alternative or cryptic (alt/cr) splice sites to be used more frequently. Blocked splice sites, 758 in t/t2 morphants and 153 control morphants, were observed with higher occurrences of reduced transcript levels (<67%; 165:54 and 19:1, respectively) and more consecutive MO base pairing (â¥10; 92:26 and 49:2, respectively) than expected (nobs:nexp).(D) Temporal dynamics of mis-splicing (solid bar) and transcript (filled bar) fold changes (log2 scale) for transcripts dtymk, abi1, bloc1s4, and t in control (cMO) and t/t2 morphants (t/t2 MO) from neurula (stage 15) to mid-tailbud (stage 26) to late tailbud stage (stage 34). Mis-splicing was quantified by qRT-PCR (n = 3, mean ± SD) using forward primers that span alternative or cryptic splice junctions (altSJ/crSJ) as shown above the bar graph for dtymk and t. Cryptic splice junction shortens first exon of t (colored blue). Changes in transcript levels were determined at indicated exons (e). See Key Resources Table for the design of qRT-PCR primers.(E) Superimposed Sashimi plot of transcript dtymk whose splicing was affected by both cMO and t/t2 MO at tailbud stage. Canonical and alternative (between exons 2 and 5) splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. The blocked donor splice site featured partial matches of â¥8 consecutive bases with the MOsplice of t and t2 as well as the cMO. The alignments show canonical Watson-Crick (vertical bar) and non-canonical wobble (colon) base pairing between the transcript and several MOs.(F) Confirmation of the alignment-based predictions in E by injecting single MOs or tracer sulforhodamine as indicated. Fold changes (log2 scale) to the alternative splicing and transcript level of dtymk were quantified by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD).Two-tailed t test: âp < 0.1; ââp < 0.01. |
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Figure 6. Analysis of Public RNA-Seq Datasets Substantiates Identified MO Side EffectsSuperscripts refer to the published datasets used in this study: 1Marlétaz et al., 2015; 2Dichmann et al., 2015; 3Noiret et al., 2016; 4Chung et al., 2014; and 5Campbell et al., 2016.(A) Heatmap of MO-induced transcriptional mis-regulation (%, percentage compared with uninjected embryos) of c3ar1 (c3ar1.L), tp53inp1 (tp53inp1.L), and tp53 (tp53.L) in X. tropicalis and X. laevis (gene names in brackets) embryos at indicated developmental stages. Asterisks indicate statistical significance: âFDR â¤10%; ââFDR â¤1%; and âââFDR â¤0.1%. The (average) GC content and dosage of MO(s) are listed below the heatmap.(B) Seriated heatmap of splice/transcript levels and MO match length at blocked splice junctions for MO-injected embryos compared with their uninjected controls. Selected intron clusters represent coupled splicing events that were inversely mis-regulated in embryos injected with cMO (153 intron clusters at tailbud stage) or the cdx1/2/4 MO mix (41 intron clusters at neurula stage): inhibition of canonical (can) splicing caused alternative or cryptic (alt/cr) splice sites to be used more frequently. Intron cluster-specific heatmap rows were sorted by the mis-regulation of canonical splicing in morphants.(C) Superimposed Sashimi plot of transcript dtymk whose splicing was affected by cMO at early neurula stage (data from Marlétaz et al., 2015). Canonical and alternative (between exons 2 and 5) splicing are shown with solid and dashed lines, respectively. The blocked donor splice site of intron 3 contains 10 consecutive bases perfectly complementary to sequence of the cMO. |
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Figure 7. Optimizations of KD Conditions Can Reduce but Fail to Eliminate MO Side Effects(AâC) Fold changes to transcript levels and alternative splicing under different doses of the t/t2 MO mix (4.5 or 18 ng) and incubation temperatures (22°C or 28.5°C) were quantified at late tailbud stage by qRT-PCR (n = 4, mean ± SD) or WMISH. Two-way ANOVA test: âp < 0.1; âââp < 0.001. (A) Transcriptional mis-regulation (log2 scale) of the Brachyury target gene tbx6 and of MO side effect genes tp53, tp53inp1, and c3ar1. (B) Multi-probe WMISH for various mesoderm cell lineage and derivative markers (cav1, notochord; hoxd8, pronephros; myh6, heart; tal1, ventral blood island; tbx6, paraxial mesoderm) and single WMISH for the immune response-related gene c3ar1. White arrowheads point to the expression domains of tbx6 and cav1 that were not maintained in embryos without functional Brachyury. (C) Fold changes (log2 scale) to the alternative splicing (solid bar) and transcript level (filled bar) of the âoff-targetâ genes dtymk, abi1, and bloc1s4.(D) Measurements of the hybridization affinity (equilibrium dissociation constant Kd) between tsplice MO and target or off-target (including a point-mutant and a scrambled version) RNA oligonucleotides at 23°C and 35°C using biolayer interferometry (normalized instrument response versus MO concentration). The off-target sequence was derived from the most likely blocked site causing dtymk mis-splicing (see Figure 5E).(E) Multi-probe WMISH for various mesoderm cell lineage and derivative markers and single WMISH for the immune response related genes tp53 and c3ar1 in various late tailbud embryos developed at 25°Câ26°C. Injection of the t/t2 MO mix at 3 ng per embryo (3-fold above an inefficient dose of 1 ng) caused KO-like loss of tbx6 and cav1 expression domains, as indicated by white arrowheads, while keeping immune response at minimum.(F) Dosage-dependent effects on mis-splicing and transcript fold changes (log2 scale) in cMO- and t/t2 MO-injected versus uninjected embryos quantified by qRT-PCR at early gastrula (st. 10+) and mid-tailbud (st. 26) stage (n = 3, mean ± SD).One-way ANOVA test: âââp < 0.001. Scale bars, 0.5 mm (B and E). |
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