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Science 1985 Jul 19;2294710:272-5.
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U1 small nuclear RNA genes are subject to dosage compensation in mouse cells.

Mangin M , Ares M , Weiner AM .

Multiple copies of a gene that encodes human U1 small nuclear RNA were introduced into mouse C127 cells with bovine papilloma virus as the vector. For some recombinant constructions, the human U1 gene copies were maintained extrachromosomally on the viral episome in an unrearranged fashion. The relative abundance of human and mouse U1 small nuclear RNA varied from one cell line to another, but in some lines human U1 RNA accounted for as much as one-third of the total U1. Regardless of the level of human U1 expression, the total amount of U1 RNA (both mouse and human) in each cell line was nearly the same relative to endogenous mouse 5S or U2 RNA. This result was obtained whether measurements were made of total cellular U1 or of only the U1 in small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles that could be precipitated with antibody directed against the Sm antigen. The data suggest that the multigene families encoding mammalian U1 RNA are subject to some form of dosage compensation.

PubMed ID: 2409601
Article link: Science
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