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Dev Biol 1985 May 01;1091:9-14.
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Testosterone-induced meiotic maturation of Xenopus laevis oocytes: evidence for an early effect in the synergistic action of insulin.

Le Goascogne C , Sananès N , Gouézou M , Baulieu EE .

Meiosis reinitiation in oocytes (stage 5-6 of Dumont) isolated free of follicle cells by collagenase treatment from ovarian pieces of Xenopus laevis, was studied in observing the germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) provoked by progesterone and testosterone (0.1 nM-1 microM), alone or in association with insulin (30 micrograms/ml). Testosterone, was more active than progesterone to elicit GVBD in vitro, raising the question of the relative roles of both steroids in the physiological maturation process in vivo. The potentiating effect of insulin, already observed on progesterone action, was also demonstrated upon testosterone effect; the results suggested that it occurs during the early phase of hormone-induced meiosis reinitiation.

PubMed ID: 3886456
Article link: Dev Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ins