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Carcinogenesis 1983 Jan 01;46:739-43.
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An oncogenic cell line inducing transplantable metastasizing adeno-carcinomas in Xenopus borealis.

Picard JJ , Afifi A , Pays A .

Three epithelioid cell lines were initiated from stage 35 tadpoles of Xenopus borealis. Cell strain XB693-M1 was obtained by incubation of one of these cell lines in MNNG. The strain is hypotetraploid with a modal chromosome number of 62. It is tumorigenic when 4 X 10(6) cells are injected into hosts belonging to a partially histocompatible family. The tumors are very invasive, metastasizing adenocarcinomas that kill the host within 5 to 38 weeks. The tumor can be propagated in vivo by serial transplantation.

PubMed ID: 6861277
Article link: Carcinogenesis