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J Physiol 1995 Jul 01;486 ( Pt 1):229-36.
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The effects of lyotropic anions on electric field-induced guidance of cultured frog nerves.

Erskine L , McCaig CD .

1. Dissociated Xenopus neurites turn cathodally in small applied electric fields. Increasing the external polycation concentration alters the direction and extent of field-induced orientation. A decrease in membrane surface charge may underlie these effects. 2. Lyotropic anions increase membrane surface charge and we have examined the effect of perchlorate (ClO4-), thiocyanate (SCN-) and sulphate (SO4(2-)) on galvanic nerve orientation. 3. Perchlorate and SCN- had no effect on field-induced cathodal turning, whereas incubation with SO4(2-) was inhibitory. In addition to its effects on surface charge, SO4(2-) increases production of the second messengers diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate. Interestingly, lithium (Li+), a blocker of polyphosphoinositide metabolism, had a similar effect to SO4(2-) on field-induced neurite orientation. 4. We conclude that increasing surface charge with lyotropic anions neither enhances galvanotropic orientation nor underlies the inhibitory effects of SO4(2-) and suggest that modulation of galvanotropism by SO4(2-) occurs owing to changes in the inositolphospholipid second messenger system.

PubMed ID: 7562638
PMC ID: PMC1156511
Article link: J Physiol
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: sri

References [+] :
Audigier, Membrane depolarization and carbamoylcholine stimulate phosphatidylinositol turnover in intact nerve terminals. 1988, Pubmed